Welcome to UPSC CSE website, in this post we will discuss about which documents are required for UPSC prelim exam hall ? and what is the procedure of the prelim examination ?
first of all we will see which documents are required to sit in the UPSC prelim exam hall ?
so to appear for UPSC civil services preliminary examination you must have only two documents are as following :
- printout of your admit card.
- identity proof which you have submitted while filling the online form.
printout of your admit card.
So to appear for the UPSC prelim exam you must have admit card. you can print your admit card in a colour xerox or in black and white xerox that does not matter. but, you must have the admit card to appear for civil services Prelims exam in the exam hall.
identity proof which you have submitted while filling the online form.
the next documents which is required to sit in the UPSC prelim exam hall is the your identity proof. but from 2019 they have mentioned your identity proof details on your examination admit card. so you will required only that identity proof(Original) which you have uploaded while filling the online form.
you may think that which document is required ? then check your UPSC prelim admit card and you will see that document number in the UPSC prelim admit card. so only that original identity card is required for the identity proof in the UPSC prelim exam hall.
so these two documents required in the UPSC prelim exam hall for two times:
- for paper 1
- for paper 2
and one more important thing is that you must go on the time in the UPSC prelim exam hall. they have suggested that you must come in the exam centre before 10 minutes of the exam start.
for example, if the timing of paper is 9:30 then you must be there at 9:20 and same for paper 2 timing..
what is the procedure of the UPSC Prelim examination ?
So now we will discuss about the procedure of examination.so whenever you will go To your exam centre First they will gather all the candidates in one room. in that room you have to keep your other things which are not required in the exam hall.
for example, your bag, your mobile, your pocket, etc
then they will check one by one candidates. after that you will go to your exam hall.the most important things are you cannot take any other things which are not required in the exam hall you must take the admit card, your identity card and pen and pencil. that’s it. other things are not permitted in the exam hall .They may give you permission for water bottle .
so in the examination hall they will circulate the OMR answer sheet to all the candidates. then you have to fill the correct details in the your OMR answer sheet.after that on the time of the examination the supervisor will circulate the question paper of UPSC prelim exam and then you can solve your exam paper.
in the meanwhile supervisor will check your your identity card, hall ticket and other details and will sign to your answer sheet and you will also sign on the the attendance.
You may know that you will get any set in the exam for example, you may get Set A, B, C, or D. Accordiingly you have to solve your paper. Dont copy same of other. You will have another set and oher will have another set but the arrangement of questions will be different for each set but all the questions will be same for all.
that’s it thank you.